Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Thoughts For the Child I Lost

I found this online today and it really hit home for me. Unfortunately, I cannot find an original author, but I felt the need to share it for others who have been in this situation. I also wanted to put it in a place that I knew I could always come back to it.

Thoughts For the Child I Lost
There might come a day in the future
When I don't think about you constantly,
Wonder what you would have looked like,
What color your hair would have been,
And how your smile might have looked.
There might come a day sometime in the future
When I don't wonder what I did wrong.
When I won't blame myself.
When the sharp blade of pain will become dull.
Wehn I can accept this as meant to be.
There might come a day sometime in the future
When I carry another child
And though I love him beyond measure
And though I will hold him a little tighter,
And though he will be my child,
He won't be you.
There might come a day sometime in the future
When I am happy again.
When I can let go.
When I can look at another baby without aching for you.
But it won't be today.

I also want to once again post this photo, because I can't seem to look at it enough. This was the last photo of my baby I got at roughly 10 weeks.

and a picture of a forget me not flower for, i hope, obvious reasons.

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