Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Old Habits Just Made Us Feel Like Death

Week 4 was....difficult.

When we took our week 3 pictures, we were proud of the progress we had made and wanted to keep pushing harder and harder to get to exactly where we want to be.

Unfortunately, life decided to throw us some unexpected curve balls this past week that threw us off the path. Monday, we had one of the worst days we have ever had at work, then came home to find out that our landlord had found out about our cat and we needed to find somewhere for him to stay for remainder of our lease or the landlord was going to kick him out personally the next day.

That story has already been told on a previous blog, just view the full blog if you're interested in seeing how that went down.

In any case, this was followed by a lot of depression, lack of sleep, and uncontrollable stress eating. We didn't even exercise Monday evening. Lance's mom was sweet enough to take us out to Buffalo Wild Wings the next day (over 1,000 calories for 8 boneless wings and some fries) to cheer us up. We managed to burn off some of these calories and relieve a little stress by taking a lovely hour and a half walk down the hiking trail by the old mines. Throughout the week, we didn't do as terribly as far as eating, but I skipped both Wednesday and Friday when it came to exercise and even Lance skipped Friday. Once Saturday came along, we completely fell of the wagon. Lance and I together ate (pretty much) a whole homemade pizza (with tons of cheese and pepperoni) followed by lots of beer and drunken Jack in the box (Lance had 4 tacos and I had chicken nuggets smothered in ranch). Needless to say, when we woke up Sunday morning, we were a less than thrilled about taking our weekly progress photos in fear of seeing the progress we had made was lost.

I wouldn't necessarily say that we lost progress, but I surely don't think we made any. I am slightly confused on whether my lower stomach got larger or if the area around my ribs got smaller. One thing I am pretty stoked about though is that the damn line in my back (the one right above my bee tattoo) is finally gone.

Last week was terrible. I was constantly tired, my stomach hurt, and my body overall just hated me for fueling it with junk that it hasn't had in awhile. This week, and hopefully no week in the future, is going to be like last week was. 

Lance and I have felt overall better since we chose this healthier lifestyle and last week was proof in itself that we have no reason to go back to what we were doing before. I want to make sure that I continue putting healthy things in my body and who knows, maybe eventually I'll even learn to eat some vegetables and enjoy them (a girl can dream). 

I have managed to drop to 152.2. So, from my beginning weight of 165 lbs, I have lost 12.8 lbs and with only 12.2 more to go (at least by the end of June), that means that I have reached the glorious halfway point in less than a month. This makes me extremely excited and gives me hope that I can get down to 140 by the end of June if I just keep working hard and don't have any more weeks like last week. Everyone slips up once in awhile, but we'll do better. I'm already super excited for this weeks photos just because it's already halfway through the week and we have been doing a lot better as far as food and exercise.

My biggest problem as of lately is this: 
My net calorie goal (calories consumed-calories burned) on myfitnesspal is 1200 calories.
I know it's essential to get at least 1200 calories a day to get essential nutrients your body needs and also so your body does not throw itself into starvation mode. However, I'm finding it incredibly hard to get those 1200 calories with what we're eating. We drink water all day and get 0 calorie rip it's (we can't even stand the other ones now because the sugar in them in just overwhelming and disgusting to our taste buds). For breakfast we have been eating breakfast bars (90-170 calories). Our main meal of a lot of days has been 6 inch subs (400 calories or less) and even our full meals at home (tuna salad or tomato soup with bread/wheat thins) are almost always under 300 calories. We've been working hard to replace fatty foods we used to get with things that are low in calories and high in vitamins and protein. I'm not particularly interested in adding extremely fatty foods to get those extra calories in.

So...let me know if you have any suggestions, folks.
I could definitely use them.

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