Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Week 5 and The Perfect Sandwich

We're 4 weeks in now.
We just took week 5 pictures and were happy to see results again since last week they were minimal.

Lance: 20 lbs lost, 10 more to lose
Bee: 17 lbs lost, 8 more to lose

In this past week, we did discover the perfect sandwich.
Well, maybe perfect is over selling it, but its delicious and it doesn't even make us feel as though we're actually dieting.

2 pieces of 100% whole wheat bunny bread: 110 calories. 4 sugars. 6g protein.
2 pieces of Great Value Fat Free Smoked Turkey Breast: 50 calories, 2 sugars, 10g protein
Fit & Active 2% Cheese singles: 50 calories, 1 sugar, 4 protein
1 Large Egg: 70 calories, 6 protein

This is a great meal under 300 calories. We just toast the bread in a pan using 0 calorie non-stick spray. Fry up the turkey with the non-stick spray, melt the cheese, and cook our egg! It's extremely tasty and protein filled (26 grams)!

Here are last week and this week's photos together.

We're trying our hardest to keep up with diet and exercise, but sometimes it can be hard.
Lance and I will be moving into another place at the end of the month and our wallets will be suffering trying to pay the deposit, pet deposit, and 1st months rent.

Due to this, we are going to be unable to go on the float trip (which we had set to be at our goal weights by that day) and come next paycheck I think  we will be surviving on purely ramen. All of this is fairly disappointing because it is going to mess with our diets, we will not have the gas to go on extreme hikes, and we will be missing out on this float trip that I've been overly stoked about since the day I heard I was invited. However, we do need a place to live and once we get moved in we will still have the money to eat healthier and keep hiking and exercising outside. Also, the place we're moving into is extremely nice.

We'll have an extra bedroom, a dish washer, and a washer and dryer. In a few months, you might actually be able to mistake us for functioning adults.

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