Monday, January 7, 2013

Bull Rings

Septum piercings are awesome. It's been about two weeks since I did mine and I am still super psyched about it. I originally wanted my septum pierced my eighth grade year, but dear old mom said "face piercings? no way" and by time i was old enough to get it myself, jobs held me at bay. By time I found out they were easily hidden, I certainly didn't have the cash to pay to get it done.

In any case, my point is, septum piercings are sexy. Here are a few examples.

This post was originally started on 11/16/11.
I found it in my drafts, so I'm finishing it up now.

I still have my septum piercing and I love it.
I've actually nearly let my monroe piercing close up because I'm lazy and keep swallowing the balls.
My septum piercing never gets lost and it's just...awesome, okay?

So here is my photographic proof.

Also, you can do fun things like this:

1 comment:

  1. I love all of these especially the flower. I so badly want to get my nose done but my mum says I have to wait untill I am 16.
