Sunday, January 6, 2013

D.I.Y. Silhouette Necklaces

Alright, so I found this online and it's brilliant! I really want to do this, but I really need some shrinky dink paper.

Here's the link for more detailed directions: click here.

Basically, you get shrinky dink paper and do this.

Trace the face. Color it in and it will look like this.

Use a hole punch to put holes in the top where the chain or yarn is going to go through.

Bake this paper in oven at 250 degrees for about 4 minutes. You know they are done when the sides are not curled up.
Put the string/chain/yarn through the wholes and wa-lah!

I'd really like to do something along these lines. I'd probably just make a butt-ton.
I'd make an anchor one.
Probably one with me and Lance's first initial.

Just all sorts of cool things. So....someone needs to get me some shrinky dink paper.

or if you could just supply with a butt-ton of plastic with this symbol on it.

Also, it must have the six in the middle.
All I can find in my house is 1, 4, 5, and 7.

Apparently I have no aluminum foil either.
So it looks like this is a dead end plan for now.

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