Thursday, April 3, 2014

Day 3 of my 30 Day Challenge

Today's challenge is A picture of you and your best friends and how you met them. So, here it goes.

There are three people that I really consider my best friends, so I'm honoring all three of them in this blog today. As the saying goes, ladies first.

The first person I want to talk about is Dani. I met Dani is December of 2006. We had a mutual friend and started talking over MySpace, I believe, and eventually decided to meet up. My mom drove me to her town (I was 14 at the time) and we had a blast. I spent the following months with her going to local concerts, spending hours at wal-mart after midnight reading magazines, and playing Dance Dance Revolution at the bowling alley. Although we've changed quite a bit, here we are over 7 years later and still inseparable. 

This is my best friend, Adam. When I was in 5th grade, I was in choir with his sister and used to think he was cute when he would wait outside of practice for her. Honestly, that's all that really stands clear in my memory wit how I met Adam. In my 6th grade year, we danced together at a school dance. The summer after 7th grade, Adam and I stayed up talking all night on MSN just to walk and meet up when the sun rose in the morning (we lived just a couple of miles from each other). We ended up dating for a brief while that summer (probably only a month or so) until we realized we weren't meant to be romantically involved with each other. After that, we became best friends. My family loved having him around (we lived right next to the high school, so he was always over after school) and he has always been my voice of reason. So, I suppose Adam and I have been friends for somewhere between 8-9 years. It's been a long time and I couldn't imagine what kind of awful things I might have gotten myself into without him.

...and you probably saw this one coming, but Lancelot is my final best friend I'm talking about today. The first time I met Lance was when I was working overnights at a gas station, but I don't really count that because it was mostly bitching about crazy drunk women. The first time we had a legitimate meeting was at a old friend of Lance's a new friend of mine. It was a party and the first conversation I remember having with him was in the backyard of Mary's house about how he shoved a screw through his nose to stretch it. Later, I was trying to do some funky yoga moves in the front yard and he helped me put my legs behind my head to accomplish one of them.

He ended up getting my number from someone else a few days later and we started talking after that. It's been two years and eight months since that day and we're now together and I can officially say that I'm going to get to marry my best friend. <3

Coming up Tomorrow: Favorite cover of a song you like on YouTube.

If you're interested to see what questions the next 27 days hold, you can click here to see the list.

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