Thursday, March 13, 2014

Rose Colored Glasses

I used to see 2010 as a magical year. It was the year things really started changing for me. It was a year I developed a lot of new friendships and really started screwing up and figuring out who I was and what I who I wanted to be. I made a lot of friends, I went to a lot of parties, I started trying a lot of new things. I wasn't so afraid of the world, anymore. When 2011 came around the corner, Reality came crashing down when I moved into my own apartment and had to start acting like an adult. Many other terrible things happened during the first 6 months of this year, and I felt like a year like 2010 would never come again.

Parties, baking cookies, summer adventures, and swearing we'll never talk about something or another outside of this circle. It took me a long time to try to let all of that go and just let it be in the past. It was easy to see why I held onto it so dearly when my life went to shit; When things got better, I should have started trying to let go and let these things be in the past where they belong.

I didn't reach that point until last year. Last year, I took a good, long hard look at my present life. I realized that it actually blew 2010 outside of the water once I stopped viewing that "magical" year through rose colored glasses.

In 2013, I had a much better idea of who I was and I was working so much harder to be who I wanted to be. In 2013, I started to live a healthier lifestyle and lost the 50 lbs that have been weighing on my self confidence for years.

  In 2013, I got engaged to the fella of my dreams instead of spending all my time with people I couldn't really converse with about my own personal interests.

I have amazing friends that I still do awesome things with.

Plus, I've had my hair just about every color in the book over the course of the last year as well, which I consider a super accomplishment (mostly just that I still have hair).

So 2010, I no longer long for you. As I'm getting older, life is getting better. I'm finally learning to put the past in the past and move on and keep up with the better things in life. 

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