Thursday, February 20, 2014

Four Reasons I'm Happy Not to Have Someone Call Me "Mommy"

4. I'm too broke for that shit.
Having a child in a home that isn't financially stable is 2,000 times more stressful than having a child in a home that is. If it comes down to whether I'm able to feed and clothe my child or feed and clothe myself, obviously I'd choose the child, but I don't want to have to make sacrifices like that right now. I don't want to even think about having children until my debts are paid, I don't have a car payment or any kind of loan. I want to actually have money to get my child things s/he wants every once in awhile instead of wondering how I'm going to make it paycheck to paycheck.
3. I don't have the time, energy, or patience.
I barely feel like I have enough time for myself and I don't even work fourty hours a week. I like sleeping in. I like getting a full 8 hours of sleep each night. I can't imagine having to spend all of my free time taking care of another human being. Besides, God knows I do not have the patience to listen to all the screaming and crying children do.
2. Child Care.
Two words. Expensive. Inconvenient. Child care is just yet another thing you have to spend money on and daycare hours are so inconvenient. You better hope you can get a morning shift at work or your going to have to depend on family members or hire a nanny to come to your house.
1. I've only been 21 for four months.
I can't imagine having a child right now. I look at so many people that I went to high school with that already have children and it's just weird. I feel like if I had a child right now, I'd....ugh. Well, I'd feel pretty helpless. I've been out of school for three years now. I've been just kind of working and living and just doing that whole life thing. I still want to go back to college, though. I want to get out of Missouri for a couple of years and go see the States. I want to travel, take pictures, and plan big trips of a whim. I want to be able to go out on the weekends, I want to be able to go grocery shopping at 3 am, because Wal-Mart is rarely busy at that time. I'm only twenty one. I'm just finding out who I'm going to be for the rest of my life and just on the brink of all the adventures I want to have. I want to have time to live my own life before I have to put someone else's first.

So all in all, I'm a very happy lady. I can't imagine having a child right now. Not to say there won't be a day when I want to have children, but that's at least another 10 years down the road. Ever since I got out of high school, Life has just been flying by. I want to make sure to do everything I want to do before I even think about Children. So, I'm extremely happy I don't have a little Mini Me to call me "Mommy."

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