Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Why 2013 was so Influential for me...

Well folks, 2013 is coming to an end. The first thing I want to say is this has probably been the best year of my life so far. I did not realize when this year began that it would be such a defining time of my life. So, I'm doing a post about all the important events that happened this year so I don't dare forget what an effect this year had on my life.

When the year began, I looked like this. I was nearly up to 165 lbs and honestly, kind of miserable. The first few months of the year weren't fantastic, but things didn't take long to pick up.

In April, Lance and I started changing our lifestyle. We dropped soda and picked up clean eating and exercise. Over the course of the year, I managed to lose 47 lbs and get down to 118 lbs. I am now the thinnest I've been in my entire life. I'm so happy that I finally have the body I have always wanted.

This year, Lancelot became and Uncle. His brother had a beautiful baby girl that is just a doll.

On May 13, Lance and I found out we were approved for Autumn Creek Apartments. On May 31st, we moved all of our stuff in and started our lives together in Farmington. This apartment has been the best thing to happen with us. We've had nothing but great times since we moved in here.

I went to my first strip club.

In July, I got to go to Warped Tour and officially meet my favorite band of all time: Motion City Soundtrack. I got a picture with Justin Pierre and got to show off my "Hooray for the madness" tattoo to the band. It was my teenage dream come true.

We got this lovely little nubb tailed lady.

I went on my first float trip with friends.

This summer, we had a lot of really fun bonfires.

Lance and I picked up disc golf and made a lot of good friends through playing.

I went to my first rave.

My little sister turned one year old this year.

I finally got to celebrate my 21st birthday! It was just amazing!

Last, but definitely not least, My darling Lancelot proposed to me. We're engaged!

So, that's my year in review, guys. It's been a crazy one. Let's toast that this next one will be even better.

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