Friday, December 27, 2013

New Years Resolutions

First of all, I want to start off with my 2013 New Years resolutions and what I managed to actually achieve and which ones didn't go over so hot.

Here was the list I created at the end of 2012.

1. Get Down to Healthy BMI. --ACHIEVED
At the end of last year, I was sitting at 158 lbs, but it took me 4 months and 7 more lbs (for a total weight of 165 lbs and BMI of 29.2 (BMI of 30 or greater is considered Obese)) to finally do something about it. My goal at the beginning of the year was to lose 20 lbs and get down to 138. Since April, I have lost almost 45 lbs and am now sitting at 120.6 lbs, which has left me with a BMI of 21.4 (18.5 to 24.9 is considered healthy).
2. Quit Smoking. -FAILED
I failed this one. That's pretty much all there is to it. I didn't really try hardcore for this, which kind of sucks.
3. Learn to crochet something other than hats, scarves, and purses.--ACHIEVED.
I actually crocheted both a skirt and a shirt. It was initially going to be my Halloween costume, but I changed my mind and haven't worn it at all. I did crochet it though, so this is a win.
4. Eat Breakfast as Often as Possible. --MEH.
I was really good at this when I first started losing weight. Then I became a big slacker and failed. So I guess ultimately I failed, but I'm giving myself some sort of credit for keeping up with this one for a good portion of the year.
5. Keep Blogging. --FAILED
I planned to keep blogging at least once a week. I ended up failing miserably after the first two months. I started back up when I started losing weight for fitness tips and progress pictures, but then I got caught up in life and stopped blogging again.
6. Work More. --FAILED
Although Lance and I haven't necessarily worked more this year, we have managed our money a lot better and haven't had to keep continuously renewing our loans.
7. Write Letters to my Aunt Janet. --FAILED
I didn't write her a single one. I never even got her address. This one went down the drain.
8. Write to My Future Self at Least Once a Month. --FAILED
Again, I didn't necessarily write once a month, but I still did write quite a few letters to my future self, so I consider this an overall win even though it wasn't exactly what I set my new years resolution for.
9. Maintain Healthy Relationships. --ACHIEVED
My relationships over the past year got so much better. When I became happier with myself and my body, I found that the relationships with the people I love got a lot better too.
10.) Don't Get Pregnant.--ACHIEVED
I don't think this one needs anymore said. I didn't get pregnant. Goal: accomplished.

Here are my list of New Years Resolutions for 2014.

1. Earn $600 in gift cards through swagbucks.
Over the last year, I've earned about $300 through swagbucks. I joined the website in January of 2013 and it took me awhile to get the hang of things. Now that I know my way around the site and what works best for me as far as earning free rewards, my goal over the next year is to double my profit. Honestly, I'll consider it a serious win if I manage to get up to at least $500. I mean, that's $500 in extra spending money.

2. Get More Fit
Although I lost 45 lbs over the last year, After about 2 months of being extreme about diet and exercise, I cut out the exercise outside of disc golf and some hiking and slacked on eating as well as I did when we first started the whole thing. My goal this year is to get fitter instead of thinner. I want to start exercising again and tighten up the rest of my body.
3. Quit Smoking
Yep. I'm trying this one again. I could save so much money and you health if I could just work towards this.

4. Read at Least 10 Books
Lance and I keep talking about how we need to read more and honestly, I really miss reading. So, my goal over the next year is to read at least 10 books.
5. Get Rid of Debt
Since Lance and I are finally cutting down our monthly bills and paying everything off, I want to work on debt. We should have the car paid off by June. My loan should be paid off by February. Then we can work on paying Lance's loan off. Then we can move to hospital bills and similar things that have been sitting on a drawer asking to be paid.

6. See my Mom at Least once every 3 Months
I don't get to see my mom nearly enough since she moved to Potosi. I want to make sure to see her at least once every 3 months.
7. Write to My Future Self at Least Once a Month.
I'm carrying this one over from last year. It's important. I love seeing letters from my past self.
8. Get a Tattoo
It's been over 2 years since I got a tattoo, now. I want another.
9. Do More Creative Things
I want to paint more things to hang up on the wall. I want to draw more pictures to look back on. I want to make shrinky dink Christmas Tree ornaments. I want to paint beads and make badass bracelets.
10. Take More Pictures
I want to get a camera. I want to take more pictures. I want to be able to document all the good times that will come over this next year.

So, there it is. Those are my new Years Resolutions. At the end of next year, we'll see which ones I managed to keep up with.

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