Sunday, January 6, 2013

Being Single

Today, I’m doing sort of a two part thing. I’m doing a being single vs. being in a relationship thing. I’m putting this in two different posts because they are going to be pretty lengthy.

Since I’m not single, I’m going to start off with why it’s great to be single.
  1. 1.      When you are single, you don’t have to care what anyone else thinks about anything you do or say. When you are in a relationship, you are forced to take someone else’s opinions and feelings into consideration when doing next to anything. When you are single, you get to do what you want, when you want. No one is there to stop you unless you are doing something that is actually going to cause harm to you.
  2. 2.     Moving at a moment’s Notice. This is one great thing about being single. If you feel like taking that summer vacation to Peru, as long as you can get the time off work, you are set! There is no one that you have to sit down and discuss your decision with. You don’t have to worry about trying to drag someone along with you everywhere you go.
  3. 3.     Enjoying Your Friends. It’s a good bit harder to enjoy spending time with your friends once you’re in a relationship. The significant other gets touchy about what you guys are up to or when you will be home. When you’re single, there are no time limits. You spend as much time with your friends doing whatever crazy things you can come up with and no one is nagging you to come back home.
  4. 4.     Life Could Go Anywhere. Tomorrow, you could meet the love of your life. You could get the job offer that takes you halfway across the country. You could end up going on a random road trip that leaves you with the best story to tell. When you are in a relationship, you always have to consult the other half before doing anything mildly important.
  5. 5.     Getting to know you. For me, personally, this is one of the biggest advantages of being single is getting to know you. Learn what you like, what you really want to do with your life, and what kind of things and hobbies you are interested in. With a significant other in the picture, it can be hard to draw the line between what you really like and what s/he likes and wants you to like. If you are constantly watching what you’re significant other wants, it will grow on you. However, if that person wasn’t around, what would you discover and learn to love on your own?
  6. 6.     Parties for One! Have you ever wanted to just get drunk at home? Play online. Eat Junk Food. Watch some TV show. Sing into a hairbrush and dance like a maniac all across the living room. These things are extremely fun to do by yourself. You don’t have to worry about how you look or try to impress anyone. You wake up with mangled hair, half dressed, and no one cares because no one is there to see.
  7. 7.     Not having to worry about shaving or grooming. Being single is great because you don’t have to worry about shaving your legs. When Charles was in jail, I didn’t shave my legs for weeks at a time because I didn’t care. I wasn’t getting laid, so what did it matter? Shaving is a pain in the ass and any excuse to not have to do it is a good enough excuse for me.
  8. 8.      Being able to focus on your Career. Focusing on a career can be a lot harder when you are in a relationship because the other person may be focusing on theirs. Maybe you have to move away to go to the school you really want to, but your significant other has a steady job here. It is extremely hard to focus on your career while you are in a relationship.
    9.     Dating. Dating is really fun. You get to try to get to meet new people. You get variety. You get to learn what you do and don’t like. You get to learn from your mistakes and have a lot of fun doing it. Plus, you get plenty of that first few weeks of a relationship bubbly feeling more often.

Basically, the moral to this post is this:
When you are single, you can do what you want when you want.
When you are in a relationship, there is always consulting to do before nearly any decision.

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