Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Why I hate Women (those big-titted slutty ass bitches)

Just so we're clear, the title has no specific lady in mind.

I just really hate women.

I was watching an episode of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia the other night where Sweet Dee gets involved with a married man and it got me wondering if married women or married men cheat more. I got to looking online and came across this. For those of you who are too weary to actually click the link in fear of what it could actually be (It could be a porn site that is going to spam your computer for all you know), or for those who are just too damn lazy to care what it goes to, here's the basics.

or...if you just want to skip this part, (although it's a good read, you may learn a few things) just jump past the big line.

-Females generally cheat because they are unhappy with the relationship. Many men who love their partners and have great sex at home never turn down an opportunity for a bit on the side if they think they can get away with it. In one study, 56% of cheating men surveyed said their marriages were very happy. Only 34% of unfaithful women agreed.

- Men cheat more than women. Nope, actually that's a lie. This used to be the case, but now the infidelity scales are balancing out. Why? Women cheat for the same reasons as men: It's someone new. It's naughty (and therefore nice). However, there are other reasons women cite: The affair was a "reward" for being an unappreciated wife and mother or for putting up with a partner who wasn't affectionate, didn't listen or ignored them. It was an "ego boost." I can definitely see this. A woman who feels unappreciated is dangerous. She can be reckless. A danger to herself and everyone surrounding her. Women let those things boil inside until they finally explode destroying everyone and everything in their path.

-Women have this belief that men want to turn their female friends into affairs. It's lies! Lies, ladies. Do you hear me? Am I speaking LOUD and CLEAR? Men don't want to turn these women into their one night flings. This would make things awkward. This would be an opportunity for her to have the same friends as you, know your friends, or know you. She's more likely to spill the beans. Plus, when a man has an affair, he's not in it for the feelings of love and fantasy. Like I said before, they're happy with their wives. This is just a taste for excitement. Women on the other hand, want to turn their affairs into this lovey, dovey reality. They want to turn them into this fantasy that she is no longer to create with her husband because she already knows him inside and out.


Women are extremely difficult. I think I mostly hate women because of men.

Women con men into cheating because it's an easy lay and I'm pretty sure there are some statistics somewhere saying that it's a lot easier for women to get laid than men.

Women do these cute, adorable things with their bodies. Men, you know what I'm talking about. Women, I'm sure you do too, probably because you've done it. Do you ever see those girls that you immediately see and think "She is just irresistible " She's seems kind of classy. The way she bats her eyelashes, the way she moves her head, the way her hips swing, just the way she moves. Something about her screams, "Talk to me, I'm worth your time." She usually talks first. If this is the case, she's probably bat shit crazy.

These are the girls I'm interested in. Guess what I learned about them? They're all fucking sluts. Every girl I've ever been attracted to is a fucking slut. It's just the way she moves. The way she seems fearless when put against the world. She's not really fearless, but you won't see that until you're too close to make an easy escape.

Turns out, a lot of men are attracted to these women. It makes sense. They're gorgeous. They take the time to do their make-up and hair every morning and make it look effortless. They don't dress in trashy clothing and in the way she talks you can tell there is a very dirty girl underneath. These are the girls that attract men. These are the girls that attract women. These are the girls that attract me. These girls are what i want, as well as my enemies.

This is why I have given up on the idea of ever dating a lady.

They're dirty, conniving liars. The worst part? They're really good at it.

Here's the part where I'm going to get into myself for a minute, so again, if you'd like to pass up on this part just hop past the big line (I wouldn't blame you on this one).

I don't want to have to be that girl, everyday. I'm lazy as fuck. I work in a ginormous center of people. 600 people, maybe? Every once in awhile, I'll go out of my way to pretty up because I wake up in the morning and think "I want to look nice today." However, 9 days out of 10, this is not how I feel. I see the same people every day. I have no urge to impress these people every day of my life or really at all for that matter. I like to look nice for my boyfriend, but it's not something I want to do every morning. I don't want to be the girl who has to wake up 4 hours before work to spend 3 hours curling my hair and putting on make-up. I want to be the girl who can be ready in 10 minutes or less. The one who is ready and up for an adventure in no time and doesn't have to look nice to do so. I don't want to look the prettiest I possibly can every single day or the days that I do go out of my way to look pretty wouldn't be anything special. I'd look the same as I do every single day. Say I even spent 1 hour out of every day getting ready for the next year. We'll even cut out one day out of the week for "I'm staying at home all day" and "sick days." That's 312 hours. 13 WHOLE days. Do you know what I could do with thirteen days of my life instead of getting all prettied up in front of the mirror for people who won't remember me or even care who I was in a year? ALOT OF SHIT. That's almost 2 weeks of my life that would be taken out of my life in just one year.


Actually, I think that is the end of my spiel tonight. I may have another update on this later. Keep in touch and you'll find out.

Don't forget to check out my views on Porn, Romantic Movies, and Unrealistic Expectations.

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