Thursday, December 27, 2012

Taking Time Out to Read a Book

Marilyn Monroe had a large personal library in her day. She absolutely loved reading. She often times insisted on being photographed with books to show off both this love and that she wasn't just a pretty face.

Personally, I don't know how she found the time.As a child, I loved reading; it was a wonderful way to escape the rest of the world. When I finished a good book, I felt changed by it. I felt as though their story was my story and I had lived a whole life in a matter of days, and sometimes hours, just by reading a good book.

I fell in love with some of the stories because of how well they were written, others because they were so easy to relate to. Some stories, the characters felt as I have, but did things that I have always feared doing myself. The things that have happened in books I've read had stopped me from doing some things and pushed me into doing others. Books were always a large part of inspiration.

However, now that I am older, It seems so much harder to actually take the time to sit down and read a book. It seems next to impossible to sit down and ready anything more than a few paragraphs long.

I work 40 hours a week. Actually, that's a lie, I only work 32, but I'm at my job 36 hours a week. Take an hour to an hour and a half out of each day for meals. Time to sit online and write about...well, all the things I blog about. Check facebook. Get in touch with people online. Crochet a bit. and 7-8 hours of sleep each night. When I'm not doing these things, I really just want to sit my happy ass down and watch something on Netflix. I can't even seem to muster up the energy to do my dishes.

I'm a full time life-liver, how the hell am I supposed to read a book?

I definitely don't understand how those with a job, college, and a family manage to do it. Let me know if you find the trick to put more hours in a day.

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