Monday, June 20, 2011

Jail Time at 18

What was that saying everyone used to put on their pictures of themself and their best friend in highschool? I believe it was something along the lines of A good friend would bail you out of jail, but your best friend would be the one sitting next to you saying, "damn that was awesome." Well let me tell you, friends, it doesn't really work like that.

I went into jail with the most important person of my life right now. He was the one I wish we could've been sitting next to. Granted, we would've been saying something more along the lines of "man, we fucked up" but he would've been there and able to see me and that would've been enough.

I spent 24 hours in jail (actually 27 because the cops forgot to let me back out) and it was definitely an experience. When i was alone, i slept. I thought about what my parents would think, about what my friends would say, about when my boyfriend would be out. I thought about what he must be going through and what the months to come would bring. I thought about the world and how jail wasn't all that different. In jail, the world is a lot smaller and the people are alot nicer.

When they put me with more girls, we talked. Jail isn't a thing like they make it out to be. No one's trying to beat you up constantly or watch you while you pee; it's just lonely mostly. It gives you time to think and talk about all the shit you wish you would've done when you were able to make dinner for your family and go out to the bar on Saturday nights. Alot of the girls were there for either heroine or meth. Those girls spoke about how they were done with their addiction, how they were tired of not being there for their children. Others talked about how their loved ones had died and how they regretted never having the chance to say goodbye. One girl shared her instant coffee with me and even let me borrow her book so I wasn't bored out of my skull.

Anyway, my original point was that when i got out of jail and told everyone what was up, they asked if they could be associated. They hated to see me go down, but they surely weren't coming down with me.

I did have one good friend that came and picked my sorry ass up from jail the next morning and I feel the need to give her a special thank you. She's got my back.

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