Wednesday, November 25, 2015

I'm Thankful for my Struggle

I'm thankful for my struggle, because without it I wouldn't have stumbled across my strength.

It's time for my annual post about the things I'm grateful for in life  Every year, around Thanksgiving, I enjoy sitting and just writing these things down because the truth is that it's easy to lose sight of the little things that bring happiness when things get hard.

I want to start by giving a huge Thank you to Brian and Vanessa. Six months ago, these two took me in and have shown me endless love and support. They have helped me through every step of my pregnancy and turning my life in a new direction. They let me move into their home, made me nice home cooked meals, and have let me be a part of their beautiful children's lives. I'm not sure how I got so lucky to stumble upon them, but they have been my rock. You two are amazing and I hope you never doubt how much I appreciate you and everything you have done for me.

I'm pretty thankful for my apartment bros too. They're one of my few links to who I was just a year ago. These boys have gone out to the bar with me, played games, watched movies, and continued to remind me that becoming a mother doesn't mean I can't still be a bro.  I can't wait to drink with you boys, again.

I'm thankful for my laptop, because bringing my stone age desktop to the apartment would not have been an option. I'm grateful for my kitty because he gives me all the cuddles (although not usually when I want them) and keeps my legs warm when I sleep at night. Despite the fact that sometimes it makes me want to pull my hair out, I'm thankful for my job because, you know, money is important. I'm thankful for the girl who taught me to crochet, because endless scarves and baby blankets. I'm thankful for all the new friends I've made this year.

I'm thankful for all the support from friends and family I've gotten since becoming pregnant. I appreciate all the loving words and especially the baby gifts. Babies are expensive little creatures and every little bit helps. Of course, I have to give a shout-out to my BAD friends for being three for me for the last decade. I love you guys.

Last, but definitely not least, I'm thankful for this little bundle growing in my belly. She made me fat again and she's going to make my hair turn gray, but I'm thrilled to meet her. This little one saved me from going into a very dark place and although I never saw myself having children in the past, I couldn't be more excited for baby Gwen to get here and for all the adventures we'll have together.

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