Tuesday, January 21, 2014

My Unconventuinal Engagement.

1. I got a pearl instead of a diamond.
I surprisingly haven't gotten any questions about this yet, but I'm sure some of you are wondering in the back of your mind, "Why didn't she get a diamond?" I'll tell you why: I don't like diamonds. Oh, dear lord Jesus, a girl that doesn't like diamonds! Is the world coming to an end? No, I've just never been a fan. I liked drawing diamonds on my school papers in middle school, but I mean, they're really fun to draw. Pearls would just be circles and that's no fun. I've always had a love of pearls. When I was 12-13 years old, I bought a fake pearl necklace from a yard sale for like 25 cents. I wore that sucker everywhere, I think my obsession began from there and only stemmed further. I only ditched wearing the old yard sale ones on a daily basis when I got real ones when I turned 16. (It's hard to see, but I had them on in the following photo). Overall, what I'm trying to say is if I had gotten a diamond, I would have been extremely disappointed. I got the exact ring I wanted and I couldn't be happier.

2. It's going to last 5 years.
You heard me, It's going to last 5 years. Lancelot and I are not planning on actually having our wedding until 2019. The first thing I want to address before I list my reasons why is this: I know I'm going to get some crap about "What's even the point of being engaged? He should have just bought a promise ring. Engaged means 'actively planning a wedding.' " Let me start here: Promise rings are STUPID. Promise rings are basically an expensive thing a man buys to say "Hey, I promise that someday I will give you a ring that promises that we will someday get married." That's dumb. If we have been dating for a few months, I'm under the impression that there is a possibility we are going to get married. If we've been dating a few months and you're just planning on splitting things off, do it now! Give the other person a chance to find someone that's actually planning on possibly sticking around. Engaged does NOT mean actively planning a wedding. Engaged is defined as "pledged to be married," and pledged means "a solemn promise or agreement to do something." Nowhere in the dictionary does it say "actively planning a wedding." So, we're going to have a 5 year engagement. We have good reasons. Here's why:

1. We want to get to get rid of debt and unnecessary bills. Right now, Lance and I both have loans and we have a car payment. Our goal is to get rid of the loans, pay off the car, get me a car, get rid of hospital bills and other pending debts we have. It will give us a real chance for both of us to build our credit as well. This also gives us plenty of time so save up for the wedding itself so that I can have the wedding I've always wanted.
2. This gives me plenty of time to actually plan the wedding. I don't my wedding to have the "tattoo effect." You know how when you get a tattoo, a few months or years later, you see something very similar to yours, but better? Then you think, "I should have just waited and I could have had the better option." Well, I'm doing this with my wedding. I don't have to spend every minute of my free time planning my wedding since I don't have a one or two year time limit. I can just skim through magazines and only randomly bookmarking things I like and not feel obligated to choose something that I don't absolutely fall in love with.
3. What's the big rush? People who get married closer to 30 have less of a chance of getting divorced. We want to travel to a different state. We want to be able to own our own house. We want to go back to college. We want to get our lives where we want them to be, then get married.

3. He's going to wear a ring too.
Since we are going to be engaged so long, Lancelot is going to wear a ring too. It's nontraditional, but it seems silly that it is. I mean, women wear a ring to ward off single men from hitting on them, but the single ladies out there have no way of knowing a man is taken until there's a wedding band on his finger. I like that he's wearing a ring, too. It makes me happy.

Overall, the thing that matters is this: I have found the love of my life. We're not going on entirely conventional route, but this is the best option for us. Lancelot makes me feel incredible and I couldn't be happier. We've been through a lot in the last two and a half years, but more than anything, I want to say:

I'm happy to call him my fiancé.

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