Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I Swore 2010 Would Never Come Again

These last 3 years have probably been the most trying time of my life. I lost my best friend of years. I moved out of my parents house. I found out I was pregnant and lost my child. My boyfriend went to jail. I skipped between groups of friends. I had the most difficult break-up of my life and I found someone much better for me. I gained 20 lbs, then managed to lose 30 lbs.

Where I'm getting at is that 2010 was the most exciting year (mostly summer) of my life. In the 3 years since then, I never thought I would be like the girl I was in 2010 ever again. I spent the last 3 (more like 2 and a half, I suppose) envying that care free girl. Let's just take a quick flash back to that time.

I seriously felt like super woman then. I was on top of the world and no one could bring me down. Looking back at these photos even 6 months ago made me depressed because I felt that I would never be that happy again.

Well guess what bitches!? I was WRONG. You heard me right. I, Bee Hinkle, a woman, just admitted that I was wrong.

In the past six months, life has gotten dramatically better. It all started when Lance and I started losing weight. We starting eating better and hiking, which will automatically improve your outlook on things. The more we started losing weight, the happier we got.

Things got way better around June when we finally moved into our new apartment and even better than that when we started playing disc golf. Since we started playing disc golf we've met a ton of new friends that we wouldn't have otherwise. The best part of this all, the couple that we met lives in our same apartment complex.

Six months ago, I hated leaving the house. I hated my body. I got angry at everyone and everything because nothing could make me feel better. As of now, Summer of 2013. I feel like I am the happiest I have ever been. I no longer envy that girl from 2010. I really wish I were out and about taking more pictures to remember this. This very day, week, month. Everything. With everything that is going on in my life right now, I really want to make sure I don't dare to forget a single second of it.

As for now, I'll stick with these photos.

Life is good again and it's getting better each day. I feel so alive again. I feel like I'm not missing out on what the world has to offer for a 20 something year old girl. I feel like I'm figuring shit out and getting through. Each day is an adventure again instead of a grueling routine.

So thank you to each and every one of you who have contributed. I hope you know who you are. You all are the reason that this girl is back and more excited to take on life than ever!

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