Sunday, November 13, 2011


It's halfway through November now, and we all know what that means.
My legs are getting extremely hairy.

Okay, I'm just kidding. It's been far too warm not to shave my legs. I've been enjoying being able to still wear shorts far too much.

Halfway through November actually means that I should be thinking up all the things I'm grateful for. Mostly, I'm going to mention some people. Anyone who keeps up with me knows since Charles has been gone I've had a pretty rough time adjusting to life on my own. I've got a lot of people to thank for making things so much easier on me.

The first person is Adam.

Adam's been my best friend for years. We've lost touch and gained in back again. Everytime we get space from eachother for awhile, we always get back together and start up like no time passed at all. Through these past five months, he's kept me busy, kept me having fun, kept me happy. He drives me nuts sometimes, but I always love him. We even got invader Zim tattoos while the boyfriend was away. :)


Dustin started talking to me so I knew I had someone to relate to. We've come a long way since then. He taught me to be part of something again. He brought me into a family that let me carve pumpkins and dance at Six Flags. He taught me to appreciate new music and new activities. He reminded me that I needed to just do what I wanted to do to be happy.


Lance came into my life at a very bizarre time. I lost one job, came back to the one I hated with everything in me and he was around. He was my late nighter. We walked random places in the middle of the night and watched goofy shit on Netflix. He let me get away from everyone and everything else. We had long talks and strange conversations. He helped me get through things by listening.

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